2017年2月28日 星期二

第二週 : 哈德遜河奇蹟

Pilot hailed for 'Hudson miracle'
The US Airways Airbus A320 made the crash-landing minutes out of LaGuardia airport; both its engines apparently disabled by a flock of birds. Passengers were rescued from the wings or helped from the icy water by divers. Captain Chesley Sullenberger was praised by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg for his "masterful" landing. The state governor spoke of a "miracle on the Hudson".

Flight 1549 departed LaGuardia en route to Charlotte, North Carolina, at 1526 local time (2026 GMT), after delays, said Laura Brown of the Federal Aviation Administration. "We believe it was airborne for three minutes after take-off when it crashed into the Hudson River," she said. The pilot reported a "double bird strike" less than a minute after take-off and asked to return to the ground, before ditching in the Hudson, an air controllers union spokesman said. Ferryboats arrived within minutes of the crash to begin the rescue as passengers emerged in life jackets. The temperature was almost -7C and the current in the Hudson was running rapidly. The plane moved rapidly down river, threatening to submerge at one point, until guided to a halt by tug boats against a pier.

The BBC's Greg Wood reports from New York that it was a true delivery from disaster, a commercial airliner forced to ditch in the river just next to the skyscrapers of mid-town Manhattan but with no fatalities. One person suffered two broken legs and paramedics treated 78 patients, most for minor injuries but, through a combination of luck, the skill of the pilot and a rapid emergency response, 155 people have had a very narrow escape, our correspondent says.
Air accident investigators are in New York to probe the cause of the incident.

Web address: 

Introduction Analysis:

What: The pilot of an airliner that
ditched in New York's Hudson River has been hailed a hero after all 155 passengers and crew were rescued.
 Chesley Sullenberger
Where: LaGuardia airport, the Hudson River, New York

Key words: 


ditching 水上迫降

2017年2月13日 星期一

第一週 : 菲國掃毒

Philippines to suspend drug war to clean up 'corrupt' police
 Rodrigo Duterte won the 2016 Philippine presidential election on May 9 promising to kill tens of thousands of criminals. As Mayor of Davao City, Duterte was criticized by groups like Human Rights Watch for the extrajudicial killings of hundreds of street children, petty criminals and drug users carried out by the Davao Death Squad, a vigilante group with which he was allegedly involved.
 Despite earlier pronouncements in front of the media and public crowds, Duterte has denied any involvement in the alleged vigilante killings, and said that the Davao Death Squad does not exist.According to a spokesman, Duterte does not support or endorse the extrajudicial killings of drug suspects.
In speeches made after his inauguration on June 30 , Duterte urged citizens to kill suspected criminals and drug addicts. He said he would order police to adopt a shoot-to-kill policy, and would offer them a bounty for dead suspects. The Philippine National Police said they had killed 30 alleged drug dealers since Duterte was sworn in as president on June 30. They later stated they had killed 103 suspects.

Philippine police are suspending their controversial war on drugs until after the "corrupt" police force has been "cleansed".
Police Chief Ronald dela Rosa said on Monday that anti-drug units would be dissolved. It comes after the murder of a South Korean businessman inside police headquarters. He had been kidnapped and killed by anti-drug police. More than 7,000 people have been killed since the crackdown on drugs began. The death toll and President Rodrigo Duterte's hardline stance against drugs have attracted intense criticism from human rights groups and Western countries, although the president continues to enjoy a high level of support among Filipinos.

Web address:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philippine_Drug_War

Introduction Analysis:

What: Mr
Duterte has made tackling drug use in the Philippines a central part of his presidency.
 Rodrigo Duterte
(the 2016 Philippine presidential)
Where: the Philippine

Key words: 
corrupt 腐敗
extrajudicial 法外
dealer 經銷商